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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2024

  • Thing is, this already happens, it’s just currently more in the billionaire’s favor because instead of tax it’s a “donation”. You’re proposing the same system that already exists with lobbyists and Super PACs, just more enforced. No one is going to bite that bait when they can just pay Scheister and Swindel, Attorneys at Law, to cut a private deal with the CEOs and senators of their choice, be completely unbeholden to public opinion about it, and not be required to do it again next tax season if it’s not profitable to do so.

    Besides, I’ve had quite enough of rich assholes deciding that this year they’re going to donate $80m to exterminate the gays / to shut down solar startups / to arm all the cops with rocket launchers. In every situation, given the choice, they will always invest their money into whatever is most immediately profitable to them, morals or longevity be damned. This would cause our already easily-purchased politicians to be even more easily purchased and with semi public approval, as Elongated Muskrat now has a legal right to billionaire hero-worship? No thanks.

    The special billionaire tax isn’t an awful idea. The perks attached to it are most definitely an awful, no good, very bad idea. If something like this did get implemented it would be an absolute requirement that the investor have no say in where these taxes are spent. They may advise in certain directions, but final say should be up to a jury of some sort.

  • Great write up, only thing I disagree on is the buffoon packs, I take those things all the time. Around the same cost as a mid level joker but you get a choice of several to pick from, often at least one of which would normally be more expensive than the pack was. They’re not always winners but the value is often good. And standard packs are one of the primary sources of really good deck cards, otherwise you’re relying entirely on tarot cards to buff your deck after you have a good joker setup and that can get dicey. Use discretion, but I take packs of all sorts more often than I don’t so long as I can stay above or at least near the interest cap while doing so. My buying priorities usually go Voucher(if I can afford it) > Packs > Voucher(if I can’t afford it yet) > Shop > Reroll.

    But I’m also not an expert by any means, I have similar stats to yours.

  • skulblaka@startrek.websitetoMemes@lemmy.mlGot Played
    16 days ago

    Chucks and Vans are definitely not good shoes. They are stylish shoes, but the shoe itself is a piece of cloth over a piece of cardboard. No wonder you have bad feet, bro, you’ve been walking on trash.

    I bought a pair of steel toe boots with good insole and arch support for about $85 three years ago and those things are still going strong. Comfy and durable. If you’ve got big feet or want nicer boots than me, that can range up to about $150, anything higher than that is designer bullshit. Don’t fall for a brand name.

  • skulblaka@startrek.websitetoMemes@lemmy.mlI mean it.
    16 days ago

    Yes, because naturally no other country in the world enjoys a similar level of prosperity without creating an underclass that they abuse for their profit.

    We don’t need to print more money, we have more than enough money. We just need to recirculate the money we do have. There is plenty of money in the USA for most citizens to live a comfortable life without exploitation, but 80% of that money is buried in the pockets of corporations and 15% of the remaining 20% is buried in the pockets of billionaires.

  • skulblaka@startrek.websitetoMemes@lemmy.mlI mean it.
    16 days ago

    Blame the fact that it’s so difficult to immigrate legally yet an overwhelming number of businesses rely on cheap immigrant labor. This is a feature, not a bug, because they can pay the illegal immigrants less and abuse them without fear of reprisal because if the employer gets any attitude about it, they call ICE and have the worker deported and replaced with the next struggling desperate immigrant.

    There is no illegal worker in the US that would rather be an illegal worker than a legal carded one. The system is stacked against them because it saves businesses money to do so.

  • skulblaka@startrek.websitetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPSA.
    17 days ago

    Infinite possibilities does not mean all possibilities. It is possible - even probable, in most cases - to have an infinite set which does not contain all possible members.

    As an example, the set of all even numbers and the set of all whole numbers are both infinite sets with completely different contents. Even accounting for the fact that the set of all whole numbers contains the entire set of all even numbers, the two will still differ by a factor of 50%.

    I think that Vsauce explains this concept a little better than I can as I am not a mathematician, I merely watch their content on the internet.

  • skulblaka@startrek.websitetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPSA.
    17 days ago

    But regardless I’m at the hospital for them to remove a teacup from my ass. I am not leaving this hospital until the teacup comes out of the asshole in question. They’re going to be working closely in that area anyway, I would think checking for contusions would be standard practice. It’s not like the relative insertion speed of this teacup is going to break my elbow as well, any injuries are going to be generally in the same zip code.

  • Anecdotal, but I’ve never once had a problem with any function of Firefox in the decade I’ve been using it. On the contrary it’s been the most stable browser I’ve had the pleasure of using, orders of magnitude more reliable in all situations than Chrome or Opera ever was.

    This post smells of astroturfing. There’s been an awful lot of “why is Firefox so shit?” posts recently, now that Google is proving itself untrustable.

  • Well, sure hope you haven’t done a lot of existing in public lately, because damn near everything out there has my tax dollars in it, and I’d appreciate you not abusing them. Get off my roads, get out of my schools, get out of my parks, unless you’re paying into them.

    Also, keep an eye out for the nice men knocking at the door. They’ll be there soon with some questions, I’m sure.