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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • Discord is closed source and has no way to easily archive/record conversations. This makes it unsuitable for a lot of open source projects who need a chat client. I’ve not used much Discord but potentially the “gamer” culture might put people off.

    Matrix seems good but it’s not quite there yet from what I can tell. It’s got way more features than IRC but none of them seem to work that well. Like a swiss army knife full of blunt tools.

    For IRC I’m on the libera.chat server. Usually hanging out in the gentoo channels since I use that distro. There are a lot of different channels for the various devs, user tech support, niche uses like gaming* and also offtopic chat channels.

    *More gamers tend to use other linux distros for some reason

  • Yes I’ve observed small examples of this at various places I’ve worked where the devs want to use linux but the company want everyone on windows or macOS.

    The problem is that enterprise software like RMM which the companies usually need for compliance/security/insurance reasons don’t have working linux versions. It’s particularly intractable because most devs think of this software as basically being malware so you’re never going to get a coordinated effort to assist the SAAS companies with compatibility/integration.

  • Have they released any results from that trial? I read about it being implemented but didn’t see any follow up.

    I think ultimately the government would need to allow the mass prescription of ozempic or something to tackle the obesity crisis here. For many overweight people they are fighting against their environment with genes which would have served them better in an era before an unlimited food supply was guaranteed.