You are allowed to drive the speed limit, even if you’re poor 😇
I ain’t reading all that
No paragraphs, just one continuous slab of text
Edit: nvm just noticed this is in shitposting. OP, why? Or is it intentionally, you know, shitty?
Did a hungry pelican write this?
Mine work for I think over 10 years now. Some of the actual LEDs inside died but you don’t really notice 1-2 of 200 inside the bulb being dark.
What is the “meme” of the 400m sprint (best MA discipline btw), I’ve seen it popping up everywhere the past couple of weeks haha
You found a graphics bug, better report it
Did Anon specify their gender?
Like solving where is Waldo
domain.hog would be funny
Wtf why would anyone (I know, I know, fake story, but hear me out) gift their USED in-ear headphones. I wouldn’t touch that thing with a ten-foot pole, regardless if it was “cleaned”.
I remember that Xavier Renegade Angel episode
OP also did not go outside for the past 15 years
Truly a shit post
Bonus points for shaving
It definitely is lol
All and every orifice, sometimes artificial
If you can think of it, someone somewhere made it
While we’re at the topic, which DNS do you guys usually use as upstream? On my router I think I set quad9 and cloudflare over TLS but sometimes I notice on new websites I need to refresh a couple of times until it works, might be DNS. Was too lazy to look into it since gaming and apps work without issues.
Sometimes you just don’t like how they turned out
If you’re interested in IT, aside from software development, you could look into server administration, networking and security operations. No coding, maybe some scripting here and there.