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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Man I haven’t thought about kkrieger in a looooong time. Thanks for that!

    I agree though. I think it’s been happening for years. Hardware has gotten so fast compared to where we were a few years ago. But it hasn’t caused rapid innovation like everyone thought it would. It’s just made devs lazy and we get massive unoptimized piles of shit released that take hundreds of gigs of space, require 8gb of vram and 16gb of RAM and still run like trash.

    I’d love to see another era where we have game developers truly innovating and really trying to get the most out of hardware but I wonder if things have gotten so complicated that those days are gone.

  • It’s worth trying if you’re interested, IMO.

    Nothing mind-blowing (except the morning crunch wrap, which is mind-blowing). But they are pretty consistent, and have a lot more options than most fast food places when it comes to healthy-ish options.

    It’s not Mexican food, it’s not even tex-mex. It’s just taco bell. It’s its own category of food. Go in without preconceived ideas of what it should be and you might find that you enjoy it.

  • theragu40@lemmy.worldtoVideos@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    8 months ago

    I like McDonald’s. I know, wrong opinion.

    Maybe it’s because it was an occasional treat when I was a kid, but there is something nostalgic about it. Sometimes I just want it.

    But it’s definitely hard when eating at McDonald’s with our family of 4 is equivalent to eating at a fast casual place, and starting to approach the cost of a sit-down restaurant. The big happy meals are over 6 bucks now, and that’s starting not to be enough food as our kids get older. If we get a value meal it’s $8-10 each for me and my wife. So even if we go minimal, which usually results in people still being hungry, we are already at ~$30. It’s not hard to get up close to $40.

    Remember the dollar menu?? I mean if we break each of those meals down to their components of sandwich/fry/drink, if we stayed on the dollar menu what now costs $30 could have been bought for $12. Obviously inflation comes into play a little bit but I’m not sure prices needed to nearly triple.

    Sit down restaurants obviously have increased a ton too, but if they have a reasonable kids menu we can do it for $50 or $60 depending on the place. Yes, more than McDonald’s, but McDonald’s also has no business being that close in price.

  • Multi comms are a good idea, agreed.

    As for weak discoverability encouraging tendency to gather on larger comms…I agree, but I would just add that it does require motivated and proactive users. This isn’t a given. In my hypothetical, those people started their own communities about something they like, and had a few users but not many. Do they at some point decide to give up and search for another community? Or do they just forget about it because there’s never any activity and they don’t go there? How many searches should they do without finding anything?

    As a real life example of my own, I’m a Green Bay Packers fan. I wanted to find a place to take part in active discussions about the team. I joined what seemed to be the biggest community and posted a few things, commented in threads. Most would get one or maybe two replies. Often nothing. A month or two later I searched again and found a few more communities that had popped up. All around the same size and activity level. Joined them, also crickets. The members there didn’t congregate around a larger instance, they created more small instances and then all of them ended up largely abandoned.

    I don’t know exactly why that is, but I’ve had this experience with other topics too. Maybe instance tagging with a recommendation algorithm that suggests similar communities in the fediverse based on the community you’re in?

  • I agree but I’ll take it a step further. I’ve been in IT for almost 20 years. I never took a math class after high school (age 18). I took math up through calc 2 in high school.

    I’ve never used a single lick of anything beyond basic math for my work. None. And I don’t know anyone else who has either over the course of 4 different employers and working with hundreds of people.

    In my opinion it’s the logical thinking and the process of problem solving that are the parts of math that translate to IT. Doing proofs, understanding all the reasons why something is the way that it is. So in that regard sure, math is important. But I feel like OP is implying that actually knowing how to do complex math problems is important for a career in IT, and it really isn’t.

  • First, sure. It could be that. My opinion is that it’s awfully likely that a photo in this format was a paparazzo. And if it was a random neighbor it’s pretty rude of them, too.

    Second, the title of the post had zero indication that this would be a photo taken from the bushes of a celebrity and his child. Comments here in the form of “engagement” are doing absolutely nothing for the person who took the picture. I’m certain the person who made the meme didn’t pay for the shot. We don’t need to feel guilty because we accidentally viewed it for free on a website that generates no revenue. The people taking the picture are the ones who are wrong.

    There are lots of groups out there who could use random people on the internet defending them. Paparazzi are absolutely not in that category. They are terrible people.

  • Seriously, this.

    All I could think of was wow, this poor little girl can’t even have a normal childhood experience trick or treating with her dad because some fuck head paparazzo is chasing them around snapping pictures of them. That’s so sleazy and shitty. She didn’t ask for this. She just wants to be with her dad.