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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Well, let’s not pretend any of us even ‘need’ American influence to become shitty. The entirety of Europe has apparently decided that it’s been long enough since WW2 for us to give Fascism another try. Sure, the US influences the world, but we’re more than capable of fucking things up ourselves.

    While maybe not as bad as the US yet, that image can be recycled for Europe in a short while.

  • I actually think those kinds of mistakes are made more often by native speakers, because they learn it from other people as they’re growing up (including all the mistakes), while non-native speakers learn it correctly (from books and teachers). Same goes for the then/than or they’re/their/there, etc. When you learn it spoken first, and incorrectly, it’s harder to correct those mistakes than to learn it correctly from the start.

    In Dutch, for example, we have loads of people who will say “groter als” (bigger than), which is dead wrong - it should be “groter dan.” This als/dan-mistake is something typical of natives, and I’ve never heard a non-native make this mistake. Same goes for zij/hun. Usually kids just learn incorrectly from their parents. My own parents make those mistakes as well and it took more than a year of my elementary school teacher correcting me every. single. time I made the mistakes, for me to correct them.

  • WideEyedStupid@lemmy.worldto4chan@lemmy.worldArch user
    2 months ago

    This is what you take away from my comment? Nobody was attacking anyone until you started berating OP for having thoughts. Do you honestly think I’m walking around calling fat people names all the time? Or that OP does that? Of course not. What we’re thinking inside our own heads does not constitute an attack.

    It’s hilarious that you think you’re on some moral high ground, implying that you never have any negative thoughts about anyone. Go stand on a lego, please.

  • WideEyedStupid@lemmy.worldto4chan@lemmy.worldArch user
    2 months ago

    Wtf are you talking about? Nowhere does OP say he’s angry or even really bothered by it at all. He just thinks “oh ewww, that looks disgusting” and then goes about his day. What’s more disturbing is that so many people apparently seem to think that being this fat is actually something we should just accept or even celebrate.

    I feel like society should have a role in making sure people don’t ever get this fat. And not because it’s “eww” or ugly, but because it’s fucking unhealthy. Whenever I see a person like this, I feel pity. You don’t get this fat in a few months. This means years and years of bad habits, lack of access to healthy foods, maybe a terrible childhood with parents who didn’t give a shit, no assistance from the people around you who just stand by and watch it happen (or even enable it), very likely a highly fucked up self image and other issues. This is simply not healthy. It’s terrible.

    And this weird thing is happening where people can’t even say these things anymore without being attacked by people like you. I think you actually believe that OP’s opinion is the outlandish one. And that just makes me sad.

  • I recognize everything you’re saying, and I know it’s presumptuous, but I doubt it’s actually hatred. It’s a very visceral reaction that turns into frustration because it’s often situations you can’t change or extricate yourself from. And if there’s no outlet, anger/rage is one of the easiest emotions. Maybe you should look up Misophonia and see if you recognize it. It won’t fix your issue, but it might help to put a name to it, to know you’re not crazy and you’re definitely not alone. For me it’s not just kids, I also need to get away when I hear people eat. Loud eaters just kill my apetite instantly and the response to it is physical. I just can’t be around it.

    Whenever kids make noise, I get this uncontrollable, physical reaction. It’s kind of like nails on blackboard stuff, you know, but a thousand times worse? All it makes me do is wanting to get the fuck out of there. I can actually FEEL it. It’s visceral. And I know they’re not doing it on purpose, and I would never ever let the kid know, because it’s not their fault. But I just can’t deal with it. It’s so bad that I’ve gotten off buses/trams when some baby starts crying, just to wait at the stop for the next one. I’ve actually exited stores, when kids are being loud, which as you know, in some stores is pretty useless because there are almost always kids around. Internet really saved me there, I haven’t been shopping in years, just order pretty much everything online. The worst time for me was a flight where I got stuck with a screaming 4-year old for hours, which actually brought me to tears from frustration, because I couldn’t leave and I couldn’t blame the kid, especially because his mom was a total moron and only made it worse by yelling. Luckily the flight was only a few hours across Europe and not transatlantic, because I might have offed myself.

    Sadly I don’t have a fix for you, but if you find one, please let me know. ;) I’ve been luckier than some, in that I only have one sibling, who also doesn’t want kids, and while I do have 2 cousins with kids, we never see each other, which is mostly because I moved abroad over a decade ago. Avoiding places where kids congregrate is easier if there are no kids in your social circle, although of course you can never avoid them 100% of the time.

  • Ugh this. I hate it so much, in fact, that when I finally (FINALLY) found one that actually, really fit, I spent almost €800 on bras, just to buy a bunch of them and prevent the necessesity to go bra-shopping. Plus, I checked recently and they still have them, so I’ll just order a bunch more and be done for a while again.

    I mean, sometimes I look in the mirror and think ‘well, I guess they look nice’ but god, breasts really are more trouble than they’re worth. Especially in summer. And especially if you don’t have like a ‘standard’ size.